Friday, 22 January 2016

Personality Project: Day Seven

Today I continued with the work on the stand that I started to do last night. I wanted to create a shape/motif that represents the restrictions (trapped, holding in emotions) you feel when you're depressed. I came up with the idea of using bows/ties to represent a feeling of not being able to escape, like someone is sitting on your chest and won't get off. I also started ripping and shredding the fabric to represent self destruction. I also drew on the the fabric recreating the prints that I did based on Frida Kahlo. The rips and shreds portrayed vulnerability and how when you depressed you can feel yourself falling apart. I really love the how the bow idea has worked out and I want to continue using this motif and see how it could look on a much bigger scale. Although the rips had a rather deep meaning, I think aesthetically they look quite 'done before' and something that everyone has seen before so I don't think I'll be focusing on this too much.

Work on stand, I wanted to create something that represent the restrictions you feel when you're depressed. trapped, holding in emotions. Bows represent the trapped feel and feeling like you can't escape, like someone is sitting on your chest and won't get off. The rips represent self destruction, transferred frida prints onto stand work using marker pen. shreds, vulnerability, feeling yourself falling apart

Drew designs from these, put in colours that represent the words I'm using. Changed the placement of the bow/rip details, used them on different types of garments. coats, trousers, skirts, jumpers. Red represent pain, hurt, blood. Grey represents dullness, numbness, cold. turtleneck is trapped, suffocating.

Second party of the story, escapism through partying and clubbing. Idea of bra falling off. A party girl on a walk of shame, her clothes are falling off. Fun confetti/ glitter print. Represents a fun night gone wrong. She's a bit of a mess and has put her clothes on wrong. More work on the stand. Worked with the ideas of ties again but bigger, more extravagant to represent the hedonistic life she's living. The bows are untied to represent the freedom she's feeling but there's still something holding her back.

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